Eucalyptus tree adoption – Welcome Silva to the Persephone family!

2020 has been a year of change – we all know that this virus has affected businesses up and down the country and all around the world. So when I saw that the Irish Green Guys, a fabulous foliage company that supply us regularly with amazing Irish grown foliages for our bouquets, arrangements and event work had diversified their business I applauded them.

The change came about because they had less florists to supply, had to adhere to lockdown and needed to do something to carry on earning money without selling and sending product daily. So the idea came about were they are allowing customers to adopt one of their eucalyptus trees. This was an amazing idea and I jumped at the chance to have a Persephone Violet Eucalyptus tree growing on their ever increasing farm.

So you have probably all heard about adopting Pandas, Dogs, Elephants and all sorts of other animals where the funds raised go to looking after them by purchasing food, paying people to look after them, keeping the environment safe and covering any vet bills. My great grandma always adopted Donkeys – she LOVED the updates that they would send and she knew she was doing good. I have fond memories of talking to her about the donkey shelter she was so fond of. Whilst penning this I am drinking a coffee out of the donkey mug that she gave to me – great memories evoked!

Anyway enough about the animals and more about the foliage! So like I said, you all know how adoption works for animals but how could it work for a tree I hear you ask….

Well it is a living and breathing thing that requires a lot of care and attention to grow, nourish and thrive. As florists we know all so well that the end products we receive can take weeks, months sometimes even years to grow into the stems, plants and botanicals that we get to use. I am quite impatient which is why I choose to work with cut flowers and do not really garden! With flowers they are there ready to use instantly (despite their long growth time this is something we do not really see or appreciate enough as we have such easy access to the end result) and therefore create impact fast. Whereas plants take a long time to grow, develop and eventually flower – a much much longer process than receiving and using the cut flower.

So having adopted this tree we have invested in the Irish Green Guys and their care of our tree. They have planted a wild flower mix at the base to encourage bees and other varied wildlife to help support and encourage our tree’s growth. I always think of bee’s as the plant motivators of the world – they help to pollinate plants and without them our world just wouldn’t be possible. I hope that there are lots of bees surrounding our tree, cheering it on. They will water, weed, prune and generally love our tree on our behalf.

What we get in return is regular updates about our tree. Photos a plenty to keep us updated with its progress which I am so excited to see. We will be sharing all the tree progress with you as and when we get any updates so that you can be a part of our tree’s journey too.

The absolute best bit is we will receive two consignments of Eucalyptus that has been cut from our very own tree – how amazing is that? We can watch and encourage its growth and then receive its harvest on two occasions through the winter months. It’s like a gift from us to us!

It feels amazing to be investing in our future foliage as well as helping a small business right now when they need it most!

We have named out tree Silva – this is because I (Emily) turn 25 this month a big(ish) birthday turning quarter of a century in lockdown. This is a little treat and present to myself to remind me on a regular basis of this milestone and I can watch my tree grow with me into my 25thyear on this wonderful earth.

Silva and I would love to invite you to join us on our Eucalyptus growing journey – make sure to like and follow us on Facebook and Instagram to keep up with progress! Check out The Irish Green Guys too!

Extended opening hours for Mother’s Day

Friday 28th March 9.00am-6.30pm

Saturday 29th March 8.00am-5.30pm

Sunday 30th March 9-12pm